A Meeting With The American Congress Delegation In Gaza

Mr. Omar Shaban, president of Pal Think of Strategic Studies and as the director of Catholic Relief in Gaza, met with the U.S. Congress delegation which is one of the rare visits to the Gaza Strip after the visit of John Kerry which is the first visit of senior U.S. politician to Gaza since Hamas’s seizure of the sector and is without any coordination from the government but through the institutions of the United Nations in Palestine. The visit was for an inspection of the situation in the Gaza Strip and the legacy of the recent war on the sector. It was noted that the visits of the U.S. administration to Gaza have increased in the recent period to deliver indirect messages of the American policy in the region. Shaban pointed out the impact of war and siege on Gaza on various sectors including the youth sector and its daily suffering under the current circumstances of the siege and internal division. Shaban provided the opportunity for young people to express their suffering through gathering which included a collection of selected young people who have talked about a part of the suffering and the expression of their ambitions and aspirations in the future.
Shaban also stressed on the need to put pressure in order to break the unjust siege on Gaza and open crossings to ensure that Gazans are living a descent life that fits their dreams, ambitions and futuristic hopes.