Pal-Think continues implementation of awareness-raising sessions on democracy and human rights
Roundtable discussion with Oraib Al Rantawi about “Jordan and The Israeli Annexation Plan: The status quo and consequences.”
New Release: Gaza Possible Outcomes of Egypt, Hamas, and Dahlan Talks
Pal-Think holds series of awareness sessions under the Civic Education Corps Project
PalThink for Strategic Studies Is Carrying Out A Series of Meetings on Democracy and Gender-Based Violence
PalThink Holds Panel Session Discussing Policies To Support Small Entrepreneurial Youth Projects
Pal-Think Concluded a training program “Social Media and Personal Branding Skills”
A Proposal for a Gaza Reconstruction Council
The Freedom of Movement and Increasing the Minimum Wage: The second radio episode of the program “Youth’s Papers”
Fourth Episode: Challenges of Approving Family Protection Law