The Palestinian Civil Society Organizations' Consortium For Promoting the National Reconciliation

The Palestinian civil society organizations’ consortium was established on 30/1/2011 through the project ” Restoring the Cooperation Amongst Community Actors Towards a Reconciled and Civilized Society”. It consists of five grass roots institutions aim at founding an alliance from all walks of life to create new effective ideas and models towards promoting the Palestinian reconciliation. The consortium tackles the issue of reconciliation by linking it with other national issues such as the apartheid , settlement, occupation and social issues like unemployment.
1) Labor Resources Center (LRC):
Labor resources center is a non- profit civil society institution. It was established by a group of Palestinian workers who are activists in the syndicalistic work. The center, basically, aims to create a supportive environment for the Palestinian laborers in which they can defend and protect their rights, and accomplish their work in a democratic atmosphere. The center targets the union of the independent labor societies, in particular, and the Palestinian workers, in general. LRC aspires to be a sign of the real voice of the laborers and promote the role of laborers in developing the Palestinian society. LRC looks for providing all the laborers with relief and development services without discrimination and a way from any political bias. It works in cooperation with labor syndicates and independent labor societies. LRC deeply concerns about raising the awareness, cultivating and promoting the laborers’ abilities besides providing their families with necessary services.
2) Palestinian Working Woman Society for Development (PWWSD)
PWWSD is an independent, no-profit civil society institution and represents a basic part in the woman movement for democracy and development. PWWSD seeks for strengthening and reinforcing the role of women in order to participate in the economic, political and social fields. It also seeks for achieving equality in all laws , regulations and procedures ; and limiting marginalization , poverty and violence as well. PWWSD work with national, social and democratic movements at the local, regional and international levels in order to confront the policies of the occupation and all forms of oppression and discrimination based on race, gender and religion. The following are some of PWWSD goals:
– provide women with job opportunities and involve them in the economic life.
– support women and their children both socially and psychologically.
– denounce violence against women and support them to take positions in the political field.
3) Al Karmel Cultural and Social Development Association
Al Karmel association is a non-profit civil society association aims to serve the Palestinian communities , who suffer from poverty, to develop and enforce the educational, cultural, social and living conditions. It also aims to give them an active management to reach a developed creative environment suitable for the coming generations towards sustainable development. Al Karmel association seeks for employing its power and sources to strengthen and develop the abilities of the civil society and the local community. The target groups in this association are children, women, youth, poor and marginalized groups. Al Karmel association implemented many projects funded by the UNDP, C.H.F, UNERWA, OPEC FUND and other local and international organizations.
4) Al Najd Developmental Forum(NDF)
AL Najd Developmental Forum (NDF) is a civil society association works inside Gaza Strip areas and targets the Palestinian women and children. It aims to increase women awareness, and rehabilitate her to work and be involved in the society towards contributing in the construction and development process in the social, educational and economic fields . The association has different programs which serve women and children in addition to a lot of emergency programs and activities. The following are the main objectives of the association :
– develop and activate woman’s role inside the society, and guarantee her participation in all fields of life.
– take care of the Palestinian children and develop their skills through opening new kindergartens.
– contribute in decreasing the suffering of the needy and poor families.
– implement small and big production projects which concern about women , enhance their economic and social conditions ,and rebuild up their skills and abilities.
5) Massar Association for Relief and Development
Massar association for relief and development is a non-profit and non-governmental association established in 2009. It seeks for being a pioneer institution works on developing all the walks of life in the Palestinian society through its social cultural, agricultural, sport and health sustainable programs. It dedicates its efforts to provide people with relief aids and reconstruct the areas which is affected by the natural and unnatural disasters. It aims to achieve the following:
– Prepare and develop studies and research papers regarding of the problems of the society.
– Train and rehabilitate workers and unemployed people, and give them suitable work opportunities.
– Activate and promote tolerance besides denouncing hatred and violence.
– Provide an atmosphere of social and psychological support for children.