Pal-Think airs second episode of electoral issues podcast

In collaboration with the Central Elections Commission, Pal-Think for Strategic Studies broadcasted the second episode of the podcast entitled “the Role of the Central Elections Commission in Facilitating Civil Society Institutions’ Work in Monitoring the Electoral Process.” The epiisode was aired on Zaman FM on Monday and Wednesday of the week at 12 PM in partnership with the Civil Society Institutions funded by the European Union (Phase II 2021).
Mr. Raed Saqqar, public relations officer of the Regional Office of Central Elections Commission and the podcast guest, talked about the monitoring and observation process of the Palestinian elections. He indicated that there are three types of election observers: national, international, and legal agents of the Commission. He also stated that each body is allowed to place 1,000 election observers noting that last year the Electoral Commission had created a position called “observer assistant” to involve persons with disabilities in the observation process.
Moreover, Mr. Raed highlighted the rights of the observers and stressed that the observer should hold an observer’s ID card approved by the Elections Commission to enter all polling centers and monitor the work of the Commission, and to have access to facilities to practice his/her duties. The observer has the right to see the ballot and the polling stations tally sheets after signing them by the Chairman and members of the counting body.
He also confirmed that the observer had no right to intervene exclusively in the activities of the Committee, that is holding an observer’s ID card should not affect the voter’s decision.
Mr. Raed mentioned the conditions to be met by the observer, which are: to be older than 20 years, not an election candidate or a journalist accredited to the election commission, not a member of a political party or of the security services, and not convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor against honor and honesty.