PalThink Holds the Closing Conference for the Project “Palestinian Civil Society contributes actively to Shaping the Palestine’s Future”

PalThink for Strategic Studies held a closing conference for its project, “Palestinian Civil Society contributes actively to Shaping the Palestine’s Future” via Zoom, with over 120 participants from across the Palestinian territories, including the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and the diaspora. The event also saw the attendance of representatives from international organizations.
The conference was opened by Omar Shaban, Director of PalThink, who emphasized that the project came at a critical time for the Palestinian cause and the Palestinian people, particularly in light of the severe humanitarian tragedies resulting from the war and destruction in Gaza. He explained that this project is a genuine Palestinian initiative, reflecting a spirit of collective action, and aims to promote a culture of dialogue and participation through a coalition of 15 organizations from across the Palestinian territories.
Ms. Maali Barqawi, representing the coalition of partner organizations, expressed her appreciation to PalThink and Adam Smith International, praising PalThink’s practical partnership approach, which granted local organizations genuine space to contribute meaningfully to the planning and implementation processes.
The conference featured five key thematic sessions, during which Palestinian researchers from various regions presented seven policy papers. In the first session, titled “The Future of Governance and Political Reform in Palestine”, two papers were presented: “A Foresight Vision for Reforming the Palestinian Political System” by Omar Rahhal and Maher Issa, and “Prospective Visions for the Future of Governance in Palestine” by Abdullah Sharshara and Ahmad Rafiq Awad.
The second session focused on “Palestinian Youth and Political Challenges”, with two papers: “Toward Practical Strategies to Overcome Identity and Cognitive Crises Among Palestinian Youth After October 7” by Amjad Abu Al-Ezz and Amal Qishta, and “Visions to Enhance Youth Access to Decision-Making Centers in the Palestinian Context” by Jamal Al-Fadi and Raed Al-Dabbagh.
The third session, titled “The Palestinian Economy and Prospects for Integration”, featured the paper “An Economy of Shared Opportunities: Shaping a Unified Future Between Jerusalem, Gaza, and the West Bank” by Raed Helles, Taqwa Al-Balawi, and Abdul Rahman Sawayfa.
The fourth session focused on the role of women in rebuilding society, with the paper “Palestinian Women Between the Resilience of War and Their Role in Post-Conflict Reconstruction in Gaza” presented by Mervat Al-Zaqzouq and Diab Zayed.
The final session centered on “The Future of Jerusalem”, featuring the paper “The Future of Jerusalem Amidst Political and Regional Changes: A Foresight Perspective” by Rami Murad and Mahmoud Erekat.
The first two sessions were moderated by Khalil Abu Karsh, while Fatima Al-Barqouni facilitated the remaining sessions. The conference was marked by active engagement from participants who praised the quality and relevance of the policy outputs, emphasizing their political and societal value.
Several participants expressed deep appreciation for the level of policy papers presented, noting their maturity and practical relevance. They proposed compiling the papers into a booklet to be distributed among decision-makers and civil society organizations, and translating them into English to ensure international visibility and engagement. Other suggestions included organizing a series of meetings to discuss the papers with broader civil society actors, launching public awareness campaigns based on the project’s findings, and creating simplified policy briefs for citizens to raise public understanding and engagement. Attendees also stressed the importance of institutionalizing this initiative, expanding the coalition across different regions, and ensuring more meaningful inclusion of youth and women in future efforts.
In her closing remarks, Ms. Sarah, representing Adam Smith International, expressed her admiration for PalThink’s professional implementation of the project, affirming that this initiative marks the beginning of new pathways for alliance-building and strengthening the role of civil society in policymaking.
Mr. Omar Shaban concluded the conference by underscoring the need to disseminate the policy papers as widely as possible and called for collective and institutional pressure on Palestinian decision-makers to adopt and implement the recommendations as concrete steps toward a better future for Palestine.
This event marked the culmination of a three-month project dedicated to enhancing the role of Palestinian civil society in shaping public policy. It was implemented through the formation of a coalition of 15 civil society organizations from across the Palestinian territories. The project relied on structured roundtable dialogues that tackled essential political, economic, and social issues, resulting in the production of evidence-based policy papers that provide practical solutions to pressing challenges. The content presented during the conference provides a solid foundation for future political and social reform, contributing to the guidance of Palestinian decision-makers toward more inclusive and responsive policies.