PalThink Editor
PalThink Editor
PALThink for Strategic Studies is an independent non-profit, non-political, non-governmental and non-sectarian think and do tank that aims to stimulate and inspire rational public discussions and consensus for the well-being of the Palestinians and the Region.
Status Quo and Nature of Irregular Migration from Palestine This paper aims to highlight the reality of Palestinian migrants and…
Like Everything in Gaza, War Destroys Football for the Foreseeable Future
Like Everything in Gaza, War Destroys Football for the Foreseeable Future
By: Bader Alzaharna, Generation Amazing – Youth Advocate / Fundraising and Research Officer at Pal-Think for Strategic Studies For Gaza’s…
PalThink Launches ‘Enhancing CSOs’ Capacities in Democracy and Civic Education’ Training Course
PalThink Launches ‘Enhancing CSOs’ Capacities in Democracy and Civic Education’ Training Course
PalThink for Strategic Studies has launched the “Enhancing CSOs’ Capacities in Democracy and Civic Education” training program for 25 workers…
PalThink Opens 3rd ToT Course within ‘Turning Human Rights and Democracy Principles into Everyday Practices’ Project
PalThink Opens 3rd ToT Course within ‘Turning Human Rights and Democracy Principles into Everyday Practices’ Project
Gaza – PalThink for Strategic Studies has launched the third ToT course within the “SWITCH: Turning the Principles of Human…
New Release – Policy Paper | “Nationality” Between Theory And Practice In Palestine
New Release – Policy Paper | “Nationality” Between Theory And Practice In Palestine
Pal-Think for Strategic Studies has published a new policy paper entitled “Nationality Between Theory And Practice In Palestine,” as part…
PalThink Concludes Second ‘Turning Human Rights and Democracy into Everyday Practices’ ToT Course
PalThink Concludes Second ‘Turning Human Rights and Democracy into Everyday Practices’ ToT Course
Gaza – PalThink for Strategic Studies has concluded the second 10-day training of trainers (ToT) course, as part of the…
Feature Article: In Search of Hope: Gaza’s Youth Face Death and Row the Boat in Uncertain Waters
Feature Article: In Search of Hope: Gaza’s Youth Face Death and Row the Boat in Uncertain Waters
In a paradox of embracing and rejecting life, Gaza youth are caught in a moment of depression, knowing that it may…
Pal-Think for Strategic Studies launched a training program titled “Developing Youth Capabilities in Entrepreneurship Skills
New releases
Pal-Think for Strategic Studies launched a training program titled “Developing Youth Capabilities in Entrepreneurship Skills
Pal-Think for Strategic Studies launched a training program titled “Developing Youth Capabilities in Entrepreneurship Skills,” funded by the Atlas Network.…
New Release – Situation analysis paper| Women in the Palestinian Political System 2023: Obstacles and Aspirations
New Release – Situation analysis paper| Women in the Palestinian Political System 2023: Obstacles and Aspirations
New Release Situation analysis paper| Women in the Palestinian Political System 2023: Obstacles and Aspirations The paper sought to examine…