Omar Shaban

Omar Shaban

Omar Shaban is the Founder and Director of the Gaza-based PalThink for Strategic Studies an independent think tank with no political affiliation. He is an analyst of the political-economy of the Middle East and is a regular writer and commentator for the Arab and international media. Omar is a founder of Palestinian groups for Amnesty International, the deputy head of the board of Asala, an association promoting microfinance for women, and a member of the Institute of Good Governance.
Gazans Are Protesting Their Economy, Not Israel’s Existence

Gazans Are Protesting Their Economy, Not Israel’s Existence

By: Omar Shaban In recent months, tens of thousands of Palestinians have marched toward the Gaza-Israel border in what has…
Just for a Second, Imagine Living in Gaza – By Omar Shaban
Articles and Studies

Just for a Second, Imagine Living in Gaza – By Omar Shaban

This is why Palestinians marched to the border of Gaza and Israel, says Omar Shaban in Gaza City. On March…
UN Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism (GRM) must come to an end; not to be reviewed

UN Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism (GRM) must come to an end; not to be reviewed

Omar Sha’aban – Palestine Introduction: The three relevant parties: UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Process, Nikolay Mladenov, Palestinian…
New Release: Gaza Possible Outcomes of Egypt, Hamas, and Dahlan Talks

New Release: Gaza Possible Outcomes of Egypt, Hamas, and Dahlan Talks

(Note: The paper was translated from an Arabic version published by ARI in September 2017.) The latest talks between Egypt,…
Are the Palestinians Ready for Independence?
Articles and Studies

Are the Palestinians Ready for Independence?

By: Omar Shaban  The current Palestinian leadership does not appear ready for sudden independence. Despite the push for Palestinian statehood,…
Egypt and Hamas—Cooperation in the Works? – By Omar Shaban
Articles and Studies

Egypt and Hamas—Cooperation in the Works? – By Omar Shaban

By: Omar Shaban  Egypt, which enjoys friendly relations with both the Palestinian Authority and Israel, understands that it must normalize…
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