Articles and Studies

The corporations sector in Palestine (2): The case of "The Palestinian non-banking financial sector"

By : Omar Shaban In a series of articles talking about the public and private corporation sector in palestine which…

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Four Years of Gaza Blockade: Some Lessons Learned

by Omar Sha’ban GAZA CITY – The Gaza flotilla brought the blockade into sharp relief and highlighted its failures. We…

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Sustainable development needs a complete lifting of the siege – interview with Omar Shaban

A PALESTINIAN VIEW Sustainable development needs a complete lifting of the siege an interview with Omar Shaban bitterlemons: Has there…

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PalThink for Strategic Studies Strongly Condemns Attack on UNRWA Summer Games Camp

Gaza- Monday, May 24, 2010– PalThink for Strategic Studies expresses condemns the unjustified aggression carried out by a large number…

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About Al-Gadhafi's declaration to wage Jihad against Switzerland

In a surprising development that escalates the ongoing dispute between Libya and Switzerland, Libya’s President Mummar Al-Gadhafi called on all…

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Role of UNRWA & its Director, John Ging, in Gaza Strip

By: Omar Shaban The talk might be argumentative about an extraordinary man manages a huge institution established during the Palestinian…

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Change is in the Air of the Middle East

By : Omar Shaban June, 2009 is a turning point in the Middle East as it promises major moments in…

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The Palestinian-Israeli conflict: A new perspective

by Omar Shaban GAZA CITY – Israelis and Palestinians have been prevented from looking deeper into hidden and untapped opportunities,…

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Palestinian Perspectives on a Unity Government

By Mohammad Yaghi On March 10, Fatah and Hamas began a new round of talks in Cairo that center on…

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Propositions to reconstruct Gaza Strip

By Omar Shaban 1.     Introduction: Despite its evident humanitarian dimension, the Gaza rebuilding question is difficult and interrelated among economics,…

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