Conferences and Meetings

The World Alliance of Religions: Peace Summit

The World Alliance of Religions: Peace Summit 17-19 September 2014, Seoul, South Korea The WARP Summit was hosted by: Heavenly…

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Meeting with the deputy head of the Hamas Government, Mr. Ismail Hanyia

In continuity of Pal-Thinks’ efforts to enhance the public debate on core issues and challenges that concern the region, I…

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Head of EUBAM Rafah to Pal-Think: The Return of EUBAM to Rafah Crossing Needs Approval of Israel and the Palestinian Authority

Gaza (November 26th, 2013) – In a special event organized by Pal-Think for Strategic Studies, the new Head of Mission…

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Head of EUBAM Rafah participates in conference in Gaza

In a special event organized by Pal-Think for Strategic Studies, the Head of Mission for EUBAM Rafah, Mr. Gerhard Schlaudraff…

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Meeting on a Video Conference With Some American Students

GAZA,(August 12, 2013) – Pal-Think for Strategic Studies organized a video conference meeting with 23 American students who were in…

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A Video Conference Meeting With The U.S. General Consul in Jerusalem, Mr. Michael Alan Ratney

Gaza, 10/4/2013 – Palthink for Strategic Studies organized with self financing a video conference meeting with Mr. Michael Alan Ratney,…

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A Video Conference Meeting With The Ambassador of Egypt Mr. Yasser Othman in Ramallah and Dr.Mahmoud al-Zahar, in Gaza

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Seminar "Relations Between the Gaza Strip / Palestine and the Arab Republic of Egypt", 27 March 2013

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Conference "War on Gaza – Consequences and Future Prospects"

About the Conference: On November 14, 2012, Israel with its back to the wall launched a large-scale military Operation calling…

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A Special Meeting with The Head of the Hamas International Relations Department

Gaza, Wednesday 23rd of January 2013  Preface Palthink for Strategic Studies hosted Osama Hamdan the International Relations Officer of Islamic…

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