Pal-Think Concludes a Discussion Session About: Social and Economic Rights between Theory and Practice
Roundtable discussion with Oraib Al Rantawi about “Jordan and The Israeli Annexation Plan: The status quo and consequences.”
PalThink Holds Discussion Session on Women in Palestinian Political System
PalThink & FXB conclude ‘Building Tomorrow’s Leaders for Palestine’ project
Reassessing the International Geopolitical Landscape: Advancing Relations with Major Powers (EU, US, BRICS)
Public Opinion’s Poll on the Palestinian Elections
PalThink Celebrates Graduation of Second Group of Young Civil Intellectuals
Head of EUBAM Rafah to Pal-Think: The Return of EUBAM to Rafah Crossing Needs Approval of Israel and the Palestinian Authority
“Issues of Democracy and Human Rights” awareness sessions carried out by Pal-Think in Gaza Strip
PalThink Organized RTD on “The Effects of COVID-19 on The Economic Sector in Gaza Strip”.