Pal-Think Continues Implementing Awareness-Raising Sessions within the Project Civic Education Corps “2”

As part of the second phase of the project “Civic Education Corps” that is implemented by Pal-Think for Strategic Studies and funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) aiming at promoting democratic values and human rights concepts among young people in the Gaza Strip and creating youth leaders capable of disseminating these values in their society, Pal-Think has carried out four awareness sessions in various governorates of the Gaza Strip in cooperation with civil society organizations
The first session was carried out in cooperation with Zaina Cooperative Association in Um Elnaser village entitled Women’s rights “the right to work as a model”
The session was delivered by Sami Shaqoura, a member of civic education corps, who in turn, spoke about the reality of Palestinian women, the Palestinian women suffer multiple forms of violence, whether physical, sexual or moral. He also indicated that they face discrimination in various aspects of life, especially at work, due to customs and traditions that marginalize women and reinforce stereotyped images of them. Shaqoura also reviewed the legal texts enacted in Palestinian law and international human rights law that waived the right of women to work. He concluded by stressing the need to find actual guarantees that would provide women with the opportunity to work without discrimination.
The second session entitled “The reality of the political participation of the Palestinian youth in the Gaza Strip”, was carried out in cooperation with Bena Youth Center in east Khanyounis and with the attendance of a number of university students of both genders
The session was delivered by Ahmed abu Salah, a member of the Civic Education Corps, who illustrated the legal framework regulating the electoral process, whether legislative, presidential or municipal. He noted that the electoral system did not give youths the opportunity to stand for elections, especially the legislative and presidential. He concluded by recommending fundamental amendments on the Palestinian electoral system, noting that this will guarantee youth’s political participation.
The third session entitled “The university student between rights and duties”, in the presence of a number of university students. The session was carried out in cooperation with Shams Elhuryah Association and delivered by Tasneem Abu Maghaseeb and Maha Abu Mousa.
During the session, the civic educators focused on the prominent role of university students in making an actual change and fighting false traditions. They also emphasized the need for university students to assume their social responsibility and engage in society positively.
The fourth and last session was carried out in cooperation with the National Center for Rural Development-Gaza under the title” Family Protection Act”. The session was facilitated by Niveen Lubbad and Hadeel Ahel who discussed the articles of Family protection act and CEDAW and their importance in fighting all forms of violence against women.
It is noteworthy that the sessions were implemented in an interactive and participatory manner, and the sessions included a set of questions, which were answered by the civic educators.