
Pal-Think airs second episode of electoral issues podcast

In collaboration with the Central Elections Commission, Pal-Think for Strategic Studies broadcasted the second episode of the podcast entitled “the…

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Pal-Think holds awareness sessions on electoral issues within the project “Towards a Society More Aware of its Electoral Rights”

As part of the activities of the project “Towards a Society More Aware of its Electoral Rights” carried out by…

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Pal-Think starts activities for project “Towards a Society More Aware of its Electoral Rights”

As part of its role in enhancing society members’ awareness and promoting the principles of democracy in the Palestinian society,…

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Pal-Think and Central Election Commission sign partnership agreement to implement “Towards a Society More Aware of its Electoral Rights” Project

Pal-Think has signed a partnership agreement with the Central Election Commission to implement a project entitled, “Towards a Society More…

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Pal-Think continues awareness sessions on democracy and human rights

Pal-Think continues implementing awareness-raising sessions on democracy and human rights issues targeting different groups in society, especially young people. This…

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Pal-Think holds series of awareness sessions under the Civic Education Corps Project

In continuation of Pal-Think’s efforts to raise community awareness on democracy and human rights issues and to disseminate the dialogue…

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Basma Society concludes “Smile Week” in Gaza schools

As part of “The Basma Week with Basma Society” initiative, the Basma Society for Culture and Arts in partnership with…

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The Palestinian Society for Development and Heritage Protection completes “Zawaia” initiative

The Palestinian Society for Development and Heritage Protection completed “Zawaia” initiative activities as part of the second phase of the…

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Pal-Think continues implementation of awareness-raising sessions on democracy and human rights 

As part of “Empowering Civil Society Role to Achieve Palestinian Elections” project implemented by Pal-Think for Strategic Studies and funded…

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Pal-Think launches series of awareness sessions on democracy and human rights

As part of “Empowering Civil Society Role to Achieve Palestinian Elections” project implemented by PalThink for Strategic Studies and funded…

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