On Public Speaking and Reflective Writing

PalThink opens a 10-day training program, 15th– 26th Sept, 2019, entitled “Public Speaking and Reflective Writing”. This program is funded by the Government of Canada under the activities of “strengthening the political participation for the Palestinians”. The program targets a number of 20 female and male Palestinians from around the Gaza Strip – With area representation- and who are interested in and capable of reflective writing.
Mr. Omar Shaban, Director of PalThink for Strategic Studies, commenced the training course, commending the leading role of youths in developing and uplifting the Palestinian society. Mr. Omar asserted the effective role of PalThink in both supporting and serving youths who work for the public interest in addition to PalThink’s continued effort to actualize the social reconciliation, stressing the significance of the unity of Palestine’s two parts.
“It is crucial for youths to be vigilant enough of the influential and regional policies and incidents that affect the Palestinian cause; this can quicken coping with the changeable situation in the international arena. This training aims at both generating ambassadors of you for the Palestinian People and delivering our well-reputed message in all diplomatic, legal and media fields” Mr. Omar stated.
Having assured the power of word in conveying the message of the Palestinians and proving their presence in the international forums and the media community, Mr. Omar listed examples of peaceful struggles around the world whose experiences are still lessons for the Palestinians towards both the advocacy of the Palestinian cause and the actualization of the national reconciliation and solving conflicts resulting an internal split.
Following the opening of the program, Mr. Omar welcomed Mr. Mohammad Natour, trainer, consultant and a legal activist specialized in both life skills trainings and the fields of legal and social interventions. Mr. Mohammad confirmed the deep impact that PalThink has been leaving in building the youth Palestinian leaders and its care of youths’ abilities. Not only did Mr. Mohammad persuade the participants to exert much effort during the training days, but he also talked about the expected results of this training course embodied in having the participants able to produce policy papers addressing key issues that the Palestinian People faces generally and the citizens around the Gaza Strip face particularly.
During day 1, the trainer implemented diverse kinds of interactive activities that flourished and sharpened the participants’ communication skills for confidently speaking in public.
Divided into groups, the participants worked on and discussed miscellaneous aspects in the effective communication skills, features of successful communication process and both the impediments of communication and the practical methods of overcoming them.
To add, the training highlighted the important role of women, their participation in the political process and their distinguished abilities in communication. Moreover, the training accentuated the moral and professional considerations of the legal, journalistic and human communication process with the different segments of the Palestinian society.
By a way of conclusion, the participants got feedback from the trainer and their peers on what they learnt during the day. Actually, the participants expressed their ultimate pleasure for more training days to come as they would, in the rest of the training days, be trained on Body Language, Presentation Skills, Leaderships Skills and Effective Writing and Content Writing. The pieces of writing the participants are expected to produce throughout the training would be reviewed by a specialized panel for rewarding the participants their positive energy for the public interest.