The Swiss Delegation Expresses its Support to the Palestinian Youth in the Gaza strip

Last week, PalThink has received a Swiss delegation that included Mr. Gilles Roduit, head of middle east and North Africa at the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Roland Steininger, the head of the Representative Office of Switzerland to the Palestinian Authority Mr. Dominik Heinzer , senior program office at the office of special representative for the middle east and Mr. Gilles Cerutti Human Rights & IHL Adviser . The Swiss delegation was received by Mr. Omar Shaban, director of Palthink for Strategic Studies. Mr. Shaban explained the progress of cooperative project of Pal Think and FDFA “Civil society’s heavy involvement to restore unity, democracy and rule of law”. The project aims to enhance the rule of civil society in restoring decomcracy and unity . The Swiss delegates met a group of Gaza young males and females with whom they discussed some crucial social and political issues that concern Gaza youth. Some of the youth are already members of Youth Forum for Unity and Tolerance which is key componant of the cooperative project . They discussed the main lines and the activities of this forum. The youth expressed freely their assessment to the current political and social challenges and their visions for the near future. The delegation appreciated the youth’s awareness and understanding of the surrounding and future challenges, and expressed their support to the Palestinian youth in particular and the society in general.