Brainstorming Session on: "Absence of Culture of Dialogue among Youth in Palestine"

Gaza – In continuity to the efforts of representing and advocating for the needs and interests of Palestinian youth, Youth Forum for Unity and Tolerance organized a brainstorming session on the topic: “The Absence of Cultural of Dialogue among Youth.” The discussion was attended by a number of representatives of civil society organizations, experts and elites, along with the presence of a diverse group of youth, males and females, who represented different political and social affiliations; all with the purpose of coming out with valuable solutions and recommendation to issues of youth concern.
“This activity came as a response to the unacceptable reality the Palestinian society faces today, as the internal political division continues, the absence of peace remains, and the future of youth is quickly vanishing”, said Omar Shaban, Director of Pal-Think. Mr. Shaban opened the discussion by welcoming all participants and bringing the attention to one of the biggest challenges that slow our society’s progress and development today, which is the absence of culture of dialogue.
From his side, Dr. Basim Naim, a former Minster of youth and Sports and a current active government official, praised the efforts, led by civil society organization, to bring such issues of youth concern to the table of discussion, and assured the importance of culture of dialogue, as a way of life and practice, in achieving unity, tolerating one another, and respecting our differences in order to beat occupation, internal division, and live in peace.
In addition, Director of Palestinian non-governmental Organization Network, Amjad Al Shawa, suggested that the best way to restore the culture of dialogue in society is by teaching it in schools, and by practicing it in family talks, so that it can be installed in the minds of our children while they grow.
Moreover, many of the young participants expressed their happiness for such opportunities, where they can be enrolled directly and become part of finding solutions to their own problems. Some of them assured that the culture of dialogue can become again part of their lives only if the internal division is ended, so that trust can restored and the feeling of frustration can fade. They also praised the Forum’s efforts in fostering the exchange of ideas and experience, mutual understanding, and equal rights and opportunities among young people in Palestine.
In the end, a number of recommendations were produced by participants in attempt to restore the culture of dialogue among youth in Palestine:
Achieve national reconciliation as first step towards restoring trust and respect between people in society.
- People must neglect the authoritative attitudes and accept the concepts of sharing and cooperating.
- Impose the culture of dialogue in all education facilities, starting from the primary stages, in order to ensure a clear understanding of this culture and its importance for society.
- Civil society organizations should provide continues support for youth initiatives that encourage the values community engagement, equal opportunities, independence, democracy and freedom.
- Reactivate and refresh all youth groups and unions, and make sure that the concepts of tolerance, unity, democracy and representation are the main principles for the functioning.