Some Youth in Gaza Experienced Election for the First Time

Gaza – The Youth Coalition for Reconciliation and Tolerance of Pal-Think for Strategic Studies continued its work that aim to raise youth awareness and to empower them to fight for their political and legitimate rights. The Coalition conducted a meeting entitled, “Youth Talks.” This meeting formed initiative that discussed the objectives and the action plan for this year. Moreover, during the gathering, the Executive Committee responsible for implementing the activities was elected.
As a starting point, the members elected the executive committee, consisting of seven representatives, which would be responsible for the implementation of the activities of the project. Surprisingly, it was the first time for some youth to experience election . Many of them have not ever gone through the election process at any field. As a result, they expressed their happiness towards that action, and they revealed that they are willing to be committed to more engagements of democracy.
Youth discussed the importance of the role of the YCRT in strengthening the cultural and democracy-related concepts among youth. This is because youth in Palestine face many obstacles that deter them from achieving their goals and aspirations; this is mainly caused by the suffocating siege and intra divide that led to the suspension of the all legal and political activities. Additionally, as the division is a central reason for frustration and depression burdening youth, the members of the Coalition stressed on the social participation of the youth to reach the social reconciliation which would pave the way for fulfilling the political reconciliation.