Pal-Think Supports a Number of Youth Initiatives Aiming at Enhancing Social Reconciliation in Gaza

Gaza – Palestine: In an attempt to unify and gather the voice of the Gazan youth under one umbrella, and in continuation to its efforts in enhancing social reconciliation among people, the Youth Forum for Unity and Tolerance at Pal-Think for Strategic Studies organized two separate events, in cooperation with the Youth Network for Enhancing the Reconciliation – a network that was formed in an initiative from Pal-Think, and it includes more than 10 youth-led organizations and group – the 2 events were organized in 2 different locations:
The first one was a “People’s Conference “, which was organized in the middle providence of the Gaza Strip and witnessed a large number of audience.
The second event was a “Training Day”, through which a group of young affiliates from the different Political groups participated in a number of group activities. The event was organized in the southern part of the Gaza Strip to include as many beneficiaries from such events asa possible.
It was not surprising that both events witnessed a large number of participants, including young activists, politicians, public figures, and families of victims from the internal clashes, in a sign that shows people’s full support of the reconciliation agreement between Fatah and Hamas, and as sign of willingness to be involved in implementing this agreement on the ground.
At the conference, which was organized in the middle providence, and was attended by more than 150 people, a number of activities were presented, including presentations from a selected number of civil society organizations, youth guests and leaders of tribes on how to move forward with the reconciliation. The conference also included a musical performance by a group of talented youngster who sang for peace, unity and freedom in the holy land. Participants in this event were very grateful for such opportunity where they felt that unity can return to the society and forgiveness can be done.
A parent of one of the victims was courageous to express his support of ending the division and forgiving those who killed his son, for the sake of moving on and saving what is left from society.
On the other side, during the second event, the “Training Day”, which was organized in the southern part of Gaza, an area that is known for its people’s extreme views, the Youth Forum for Unity and Tolerance participated in a joint work with 2 other youth organizations from the south, aiming at creating an atmosphere of tolerance, love and acceptance of other among the differently ideologically raised youngsters of the different political groups. The day was full of activates that helped participating youngster get out of their comfort zones, express their opinions, and tolerate one another regardless of the difference in visions or points of views.
After all, the most important in all of these events are the outcomes and recommendations that were collected at the end of activities. Some the most valuable ones included the followings:
- Young people must have the courage and confidence to take the lead in achieving reconciliation and be the guarantee for its success.
- Formation of joint committee that includes members from all factions, with its mission to be monitoring violations, and not allowing the occurrence of any internal fighting in the future.
- We must promote the values of love, peace and compassion in society and find peace within ourselves first and then within our society.
- The need for cohesion and solidarity in order to achieve the goals of the Palestinian people.
- Activate the role of youth in making the change and in holding influential positions in order to be able to form a pressure on decision-makers.
- Disseminating the positive culture on streets, and promoting civil peace through giving away brochures or holding public seminars.
- Youth the leaders of tomorrow, and without building their capacity and enhancing their capabilities, nothing will ever change.