YPC receives training in “Public Leadership and Communication Skills”
Youth Political Club (YPC) members at Pal-Think received a training module in Public Leadership and Communication Skills; in a training package of five modules that would build their characters as youth political leaders able to pioneer positive change in their communities. The training was delivered by both Samah Alsafadi and Mohammed Alnatour, and funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). The module discussed critical topics such as efficient communication strategies, body language, active listening, team work, and other relevant topics.
During the first of three days of the training, the YPC members participated in a series of activities aiming to reflect their leadership and team building skills. Participants collaborated to finish specific tasks in groups while maintaining individual roles based on the team’s knowledge, skills and capacity. The trainer, Samah Alsafadi, worked together with the groups to emphasize the team life cycle and the process of building coherent teams that can work on and complete a variety of tasks. One of the interactive exercises that took place included a discussion on whether leadership was an “innate or acquired skill”.
On the second day, Alsafadi continued the training with a role-playing activity where different teams represented and enacted different leadership patterns. The concepts were demonstrated through short sketches followed by a round of discussion, one of the sketches elaborated on democratic leadership and values through a simulation of an elections process. Mohammed Alnatour, another specialist delivering the training, welcomed Omar Shaban, the Director of Pal-Think, and discussed the objectives and expectations of the training. Then he opened his training session on skills of effective communication. He discussed with the participants the importance of the communication process and how it affects productivity and the quality of task delivery. He also led another discussion on the importance and strategies of active listening.
Alnatour continued his training on the third day discussing the means and media of communication within the team and with the external environment. He also shed light on the significance of body language techniques to ensure proper delivery of ideas and avoid misunderstanding. Other activities during the training discussed individual differences between both receivers and senders and how to deal with challenges arising in such cases.
The three-day training module spanned from the 5th-7th of November 2019 and is an extension to Pal-Think’s philosophy to develop human cadres able to deal with different challenges and are aware of contemporary issues while equipped with the proper skills and knowledge required to leave positive impression and lead long-lasting impact in the Palestinian society.