Pal-Think’s Civic Education Board is conducting an awareness-raising meeting on youth political participation and its importance

As part of the role played by Pal-Think’s Civic Education Board with a view to enhancing the awareness of young people and university students on issues of democracy, human rights and gender-based violence, an awareness-raising meeting entitled “youth political participation and its importance” was held on Sunday, 30 May 2021, at the Yafa Youth Centre in Khanyons Province; This is part of the project “Preparing a Civic Intellectual,” which is being implemented by Pal-Think for Strategic Studies and funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
The meeting was opened by the lawyer Bilal Al Najjar from Pal-Think. He welcomed the attendance and introduced Pal-Think and the civic education project. Besides, the main activities carried out during this project. He also spoke about the Manual of Civic Education developed within the framework of the Civic Education Project and its purpose. He reviewed the main topics and issues covered in the Manual. He further called on all attendees to access the Pal Think Webpage in order to gain greater access to it and to make use of the information contained therein.
The second meeting, entitled ” youth political participation and its importance”, was held on Sunday, 30 May 2021, at the Yafa Youth Centre in Khanyuns Province, which was run by the Civic Education Board member, Ms Aya Abu Hadith, who spoke during the meeting about the concept of political participation, thereby indicating the forms and levels of political participation and the characteristics and motives of political participation.
She also spoke about the determinants of political participation by Palestinian youth, the requirements for active political participation, the role of young people in political participation and the potential for active political participation by young people. New perspectives for youth participation in national issues were also presented.
The audience stressed the importance of such meetings, which were designed to promote and foster political participation among citizens in general and young people in particular.
There was a series of interventions, questions and queries answered by the moderator.