Pal-Think Launches its Youth Political Club Project

July, 2019
(Gaza City)— Pal-Think concluded the first seminar of the Youth Political Club after a prolonged process of filtering applications and interviews with candidates. Pal-Think received 100 applications and interviewed 40 members, to finally select 25 active young-thought leaders.
Although applicants are from different fields, they all have a keen interest in politics, public leadership, and community work. Interviews conducted in the presence of Mr. Omar Shaban, Ms. Abeer Thabet (Ph.D. Political Science), Mr. Mohammed Telbani (Professional trainer and Lecturer, MA in Law).
Also, a team of 25 members (13 female and 12 male) young leaders formulated and a FB & What’s app groups established for discussion and follow-up purposes.
The first seminar was about “History and the Future of Elections in Palestine.” Next week, the group will reflect on the previous session and learn about new topic, the “Principles of Palestinian Basic Law.”