Pal-Think Commences its Policy-Making Lab Project

5 August, 2019
(Gaza City)— Pal-Think concluded the first seminar of the Policy-Making Lab Project for Pal-Think in partnership with Project on Middle East Democracy (POMED), the project targets 18 members of mid-level civil society organizations staff, who are from different backgrounds, but all have a keen interest in learning about the art of writing public policy papers and conducting innovative policy research.
Pal-Think’s experience as an independent Palestinian think-tank in contributing to the development of both research & strategic thinking and community-work with CSOs. Strategic thinking is essential for real and progressive development and think tanks around the world innovate public policies that lead to improvements in all facets of citizens lives including the social, political, technological and economic fields. Pal-Think believes that learning how to write policy papers is a vital skill that cadres of civil society organizations should have to contribute more effectively to the Palestinian society.
Trainers are Mr.Yahya Kaoud: Yahya is a Researcher at the Palestinian Planning Center and Policy Advisor & Strategic Thinking at Massarat Center. Also, works as a Lecturer on political science and Training Assistant and Mentor at the Palestinian Center for Policy Research and Strategic Studies. Ms Heba Al-Danf: Heba is a Legal Activist and trainer on policy analysis and strategic thinking. Also, a specialist in gender issues.
The session lasted for 3 hours. It included a description of the program, its structure, goals and expected deliverables. Besides, an introduction to research and public policy as well as think-tanks, their role and importance in developing innovative policies in developed countries. Also, the training covered the concept of policies, its types and essential elements. Also, the difference between policy analysis and decision-making, the difference between public policies and private policies.
The trainers concluded the session with a reflective activity, the participants were divided into groups to answer two fundamental questions:
- What are the reasons that make civil society organizations interested in research and policy-making?
- What is the importance of policy papers for civil society organizations?