In Partnership with Pal-Think & FXB, PADHP implements “We Live with Hope” training camp

The Palestinian Association for Development and Heritage Protection “PADHP”, implemented the training camp “We Live with Hope” in partnership with Pal-Think for Strategic Studies and FXB, as part of the activities of the “Plant seeds of hope to the Youth and Children of Gaza” project, which aims to support the Palestinian community psychologically and contribute to alleviating the impact of shocks and crises that caused by the last attack on Gaza.
The camp targeted 20 male and female volunteers with relief and emergency work and rapid response to the displaced people in the various regions of the northern Gaza Strip.
The activities of the camp’s training days began with high energetic and dynamic, as all the training activities were carried out in open and distinguished places such as the circus tent, the strawberry garden, and open spaces of nature and large areas, which positively and effectively affected the discharge of negative energy and the set of psychological pressures that the young volunteers were affected by the last attack on Gaza Strip.
The camp dealt with several skills in communication and community leadership, where the coordinator of the initiative, Ms. Basma Ibrahim, emphasized the importance of the role of youth in society and the need to rehabilitate them with multiple skills as future leaders and role models for future generations, and accordingly the importance of refining the capabilities and skills of young people in communication and connection, the principles of leadership and teamwork with team spirit and high self-confidence, which gives them successful life skills that enable them to communicate positively and take a leading role in their communities. The camp also aims to rehabilitate young people to implement community initiatives that restore hope to members of the Palestinian community and support all its classes to overcome the trauma caused by the crises and the last attack on the Gaza Strip.