Sport Accord is a Step to Achieve the Palestinian Reconciliation

Gaza- Monday, 18 Oct, 2010- As a step to empower the national sport accord and support the Palestinian reconciliation, PalThink for strategic studies organized a workshop entitled, “The Palestinian Reconciliation is Possible and a Necessity” ” Sport Sector Accord as a Model”. This workshop organized in cooperation with Palestinian Paralympics committee and Sport Journalists League.
Abed Al Salam Hanya, member of the board of Al Shataa Services Club, extended his gratitude to the Palestinian athletes and the Palestinian Paralympics committee for their role in upholding the Sport Accord.
Dr. Alaa Al Shatly, representative of the Palestinian Paralympics committee, appreciated the role of PalThink for strategic studies which was the one behind the idea of the sport accord. He also expressed his hope that the sport accord of the Palestinian clubs will be a concrete vital step for achieving the national reconciliation.
Shaher Khamash, representative of Sport Journalists League, recommended with unifying the sport media opinion and holding some meetings which gather all the political parties on a roundtable to achieve the Palestinian reconciliation.
Omar Shaban, the head of PalThink for strategic studies, denoted that this workshop is one of the activities of the project” Influential Confidence Building between Decision Makers and the Community ” funded by the Swiss government which exerts great efforts towards achieving the national reconciliation. He added that the reconciliation is a social process which should be tackled from many levels denoting that PalThink institution is completely ready to adopt a sport accord for years in order to support the national reconciliation.
Moreover, Salah Herzallah, the chief of Al Shegaya Union Club, and Isam Qeshta, member of the executive office of the Paralympics committee, assured that the sport accord is a necessity which the Palestinians have to bear in their mind in order to achieve it despite all the obstacles and difficulties on the ground.
Dr. Basim Naaim, the minister of youth and sport , pointed out the main reasons behind the success of the sport accord appreciating at the same time the efforts of those who deeply care about the unity of the sport sector and empower the sport accord by keeping it a way from any political division’s repercussions. He also called for keeping the national reconciliation as a necessity which couldn’t be ignored.
The workshop included a group of interventions which call for empowering the sport accord and upholding the national reconciliation. The workshop was concluded by signing the petition of the national reconciliation.