Pal-Think Launches Civic Education Corps

Civic Education Corps is a project implemented by Pal-Think for Strategic Studies based in Gaza, Palestine in partnership with The National Endowment for Democracy (NED). Pal-Think launched the first session of the project to prepare 20 young people as civic educators during the first phase of the project. Mr. Omar Shaban, founder and director of Pal-Think, inaugurated the training introducing the goals and objectives of the project to the participants, who were selected among more than 100 applicants. Several criteria were taken into consideration during the process, the most important being a keen interest of participants in community service, principles of democracy, human rights, and gender diversity; alongside geographical distribution of participants to ensure inclusivity and outreach.
Mr. Shaaban stressed Pal-Think’s persistent interest in youth, entrusting their awareness and capabilities in building a better future. He further emphasized Pal-Think’s constant endeavor to invest in new energies and work close to the Palestinian people. He also mentioned the paramount importance of building a Palestinian state on solid foundations and supporting the infrastructure of the Palestinian educational system to include broader content in culture and civic education. While implementing the training project, Pal-Think maintains all health precautions to limit the spread of COVID-19 in accordance to the instructions of the competent government agencies. Pal-Think also arranged the virtual participation of trainees who reside in the areas subject to lockdown through Zoom to ensure the continuity of the training and maximize benefit.
The first training meeting followed several objects of the training agenda, including introducing the principles of democracy, human rights, good governance, law, the Palestinian political system, gender equality and justice, skills in lobbying and advocacy, with a total of 50 training hours. All this will prepare the trainees to launch awareness campaigns for civic education in educational institutions and various civil society organizations through the implementation of a number of awareness workshops led by members of the Civic Education Corps.