The 3rd Seminar for YPC-Youth & Women in Palestinian Politics

21 July, 2019
Pal-Think concluded the third seminar of the project: “Youth Political Club: Palestine’s Tomorrow Leaders” in partnership with the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), the lecturer is Dr. Abeer Thabet, who is an Academic, Researcher, and Trainer. The topic is “Participation of Women and Youths in Palestinian Politics” the seminar took place at Pal-Think’s hall on July 21, 2019 and lasted for three hours 10:00-13:00.
The seminar aimed at raising awareness of the target group about the importance of youth participation in decision-making, community development, and achieving security and civil peace. In fact, youth represent one third of Palestinian society, despite that they do have less public engagement. It is important that youths have the proper knowledge and understanding to further develop their role to rise as future leaders and hope for a better future.
Dr. Thabet started off the seminar by presenting a short motivational video for the team. The first part of the seminar also included the reality and obstacles for the political participation of Palestinian youth and the role of Palestinian women in political participation. Also, participation of Palestinian youth in peace-building and nonviolence.
In the second part of the lecture, Dr. Thabet discussed some initiatives young participants can execute to provoke positive change, mechanisms for mobilizing and activating young people to participate in public life and politics. In addition to youth recommendations and suggestions towards better political engagement.
Last but not least, the reflection activity was assigned to three participants. They talked about ideas for improving youth involvement in politics and community development.